Why we do this

We’ve all heard stories of people that needed assistance.

We started this project after the stories that always happen to others, started happening to our circle of friends.  People we care about.



Beth (we’ll call her Beth) was an independent lady who lived alone for over 20 years since her husband John passed away.  Beth was very capable of taking care of herself.   Her children lived in the area but worked full-time jobs and were very busy most of the time.  One day Beth fell getting into the bathtub and could not get up.   She laid in the tub for over 24 hours before the cleaning lady came on her scheduled cleaning day and found Beth suffering and nearly unconscious in the tub.   It took Beth a very long time recovering from that fall.  The hypothermia she suffered caused unnecessary illness and suffering for a long time.


face-351281_1920One of our founders met with Joe (again, we’ll call him Joe) a retired friend for coffee a couple times every month.  One day Joe passed out from problems he had managing his diabetes.  Joe was not found until his neighbor noticed Joe hadn’t been around for over a week and requested a wellness check.   Unfortunately, it was too late for Joe.  Nobody was checking in on him regularly.  He died.

And others…

We have other friends who are dealing with the very early stages of memory issues.   Most days our friends are just fine, but occasionally they need to be reminded to take their medication, monitor their blood sugar tests, or other daily reminders that help these friends avoid serious problems.

Loving Contact

If you or your loved ones are either getting up in years, or need reminders to keep you safe, Loving Contact is right for you. Get the Services (click) you need now, before the issue you are dealing with leaves an unexpected and unnecessary empty chair at your kitchen table.

You don’t need to make your story like Joe or Beth.  You’ve got Loving Contact!


Sign Up Now to make sure Mom or Dad gets connected and stays safe.