
They invested years raising and supporting you the best way they knew how, to make you who you are.  Now it’s time for Mom or Dad to have a little extra contact.  It’s so important to make sure they’re okay so they can stay safely at home.

You would do it yourself and you call when you can, but sometimes your hectic schedule just doesn’t allow you to give them the attention they need.  In many situations, they have problems transitioning from the parent giving help and advice, to needing help from those who they dedicated their lives to helping.  It often creates friction and a hesitation to accept the help needed to remain safely in their home.

What is the answer?

Loving Contact provides an affordable solution that allows the family relationship to remain intact while protecting your loved ones.

Loving Contact by a Real Person

You check in when you can, but honestly, someone needs to be available to Make sure your Mom or Dad really is okay.  And when you call, it is to visit like usual instead of making your loved ones feel like you’re just looking after them all the time.  Loving Contact gives them the feeling of independence while providing the safety net they need.

One of our trained staff will check in on Mom or Dad on a regular schedule, giving Mom or Dad a feeling of comfort.  They know you care while respecting their dignity.  You feel confident when someone is checking on them regularly, knowing that you are not imposing on them, but reassuring them that you are still the family unit they have always known.

Human contact is so important.  You can give them a button to push if they fall, but they still, need the connection of a human and the regular contact lets them know they are not alone.  The interaction with others is shown to keep them sharper mentally.  Having contacts outside their normal circle of friends and family really helps them.

Sure we have the machines available too.  SOS buttons.  “Help I’ve Fallen and I Can’t Get Up!”  But regular human contact is essential to keep Mom or Dad healthy and not just in an emergency.  When nobody takes time to care, Mom and Dad know it.

Show them how much they matter in their later years by having one of our trained staff connecting at regular times with our helpful human loving contact service and you can continue to visit like you always have as a family, secure in the knowledge that if there is a problem or if something is not quite right, you will be notified immediately.

Keep Mom or Dad Happy in their own home!

Our service helps Mom or Dad stay in their own home longer than they could alone, because in too many cases it is the small things that cause them to go into an expensive care facility far sooner than they need to go there.

You don’t want Mom to be alone.  Someone needs to check on Mom regularly.

Customized Levels of Loving Contact

We offer varying levels of loving contact depending on Mom’s or Dad’s needs.  Look at our Services page (click) to get the best option for your family situation.

Sign up now to keep Mom or Dad at home where they feel most comfortable and happy.